
Our Canadian population is aging. As we age, many of us develop serious chronic illnesses that can influence our quality of life and lead to suffering. We will all die, but how we travel that dying journey can be influenced and supported in unique ways. Our vision in the palliative and end of life lab is to find innovative ways to improve quality of life and reduce suffering. From a compassionate community perspective, and using a community-based research approach, we design projects that seek to make “life more livable” for those travelling the palliative journey.

Current Projects:

MAiD – Practice, Policy, and Ethical Implications of Canadian Nursing Roles in Medical Assistance in Dying: A Knowledge Synthesis and Qualitative Investigation

Nav-CARENav-CARE (Navigation: Connecting, Advocating, Resourcing, Engaging): Navigating life and aging with chronic illness

STRS-EOLStrategies to Relieve Suffering at End-of-Life

Past Projects:

TCARETrail-Castlegar Augmented Response: Enhancing Supportive Services for Persons and Families Living with Life-Limiting Chronic Illness

BCNRIEnhancing Capacity for a Palliative Approach in Rural Nursing: Educational Innovations for Nurses and Healthcare Assistants

PUSH-RPrinceton-UBC Save Our Healthcare – Community Collaboration

iPANELInitiative for a Palliative Approach in Nursing: Evidence & Leadership